Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Galatians 1:10

In my last post, I wrote about my deep seated desire to please others.  Then, at 2 a.m. this morning, I wake up and am compelled to read the Word.  So, I quietly reach for my phone and start reading Galatians.  This verse jumped out at me..  "For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ."

Whew, tough words for a tough time.  At a time when I've been searching about my very purpose as a Christian and grieving the loss of dear brothers and sisters who have left our church, this is revealed to me.  Although it pains my flesh to think about those whom I have grown close to, I cannot give in to that.   I love them dearly and feel their loss as though they have died.  Yet, I am called to a mission of growth and transformation -  a mission of "Bring them in, train them up, and send them out."  That is where I must stay until God tells me otherwise. Now, I have peace.  Good night and Thank You Jesus!

Friday, December 7, 2012

Recognition vs. Love

I am a people pleaser.  I have always wanted to impress people and for people to like me and be proud of me and say nice things about me.  That's just who I am.  It comes from a sense of feeling that my parents were never proud of me so I have always striven to please others.  I am one of those people that get pleasure out the words "thank you," "good job," or "we appreciate you."  It truly blesses me.

However, I have come to know something greater. I have come to know that my works don't impress God and to instead by blessed by his grace and mercy.  I am so blessed that I can serve him - he gives me the ability to do that.  I strive now to do things out of love and not for recognition.  It is simply amazing to me that he loves me - me who constantly disappoints him, me out of all the people in the world, me insignificant me.  He loved me enough to die for me.  So, you see, that love beats all the "thank you's," "atta girl," and all the pats on the back man could ever give me.

And that love, the knowledge of this very special, unmatched, unsurpassed love, is what can get me through anything.  So bring it on world, bring it on Devil, bring it on whoever.  I have victory through Jesus Christ.  He loves me and nothing can separate me from that.

Getting in touch with our food

It seems as if we have lost something with the way we buy everything at the grocery store.  We get grossed out when we see the deer on the back of the 4 wheeler with blood dripping out of it.  We especially get grossed out when we see the pictures of the chickens in the large chicken farms.

Now granted, I always felt the same way.  I didn't really think about food coming from anywhere else except the grocery store while growing up.  No one in my family hunted so I was unfamiliar with all of that.

However, when I married and my husband (both my ex and current) is an avid deer hunter, I got a real quick lesson in the bloody reality of where food comes from.  At first, I was grossed out, then intrigued.  Yes, I had anatomy but seeing deer innards is a little different from the cold gray formaldehyde of science class.  As long as he is careful not to cut the bowels (smell is AWFUL), it is neat to look at the heart, lungs, brain, and other organs of the deer.

There is also something about seeing it that makes me appreciate the hard working folks who farm our lands.  It is a lot of work to keep animals and grow our food. While technology has brought some good advances (better equipment  and not so good advances (cancer causing hormones and genetic research), farming reminds me of a time when God was first, hard work was crucial to survival, and times were a whole lot simpler.  The pleasure of a good harvest, the satisfaction of enjoying fresh bacon from the first season's butcher, and the honesty of it all is something that we have lost touch.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Putting my money where my mouth is

I've been a Dave Ramsey fan for a long time.  I went through his series of classes, bought the book, listen to the podcasts, everything.  But somehow, after I cut up the credit cards all those years ago and almost got out of debt, I somehow have all those cards back in my wallet again and I'm knee deep in debt.  $70,000 or so with student loans....

I've got to do this and will do this.  I can do all things thru Christ who strengthens me.  So, tomorrow, the credit cards are going in the shredder.  The fast food is stopping.  This is hard right before Christmas.  However, I've been pinning "frugal" tips and home made Christmas gifts.  I can do this.   I will emerge VICTORIOUS!!!!

Monday, November 5, 2012

In God We Trust

I was watching this show on Inspiration tonight.  While I am proud of Romney for his faith, I was overcome by the love for Christ that President Reagan had.
I was absolutely astounded by some of the things he said, such as quoting John 3:16 and quoting Abraham Lincoln as saying "I've been driven to my knees many times by the overwhelming conviction that I had nowhere else to go."

This was an awesome piece on the Christian Heritage of our country.  It's only a half hour.  Go watch it.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Be Glad...

After the devastating storms of Hurricane Sandy, here in Appalachia  some areas received crippling snow.  The picture below was take in the town of Elkins.  It offers a nice contrast and an uplifting message at the end of a very long week for many...


Often times when we are going through something, it can be hard to see the end.  However, there is an end and at that end is Victory.  I'm talking about spiritual struggles here.  I can sense victory up ahead and that gives me joy in the struggle.  Lord, I thank you for the opportunity to humble myself and carry this burden for you.  I lay it at your feet and I proclaim your Word that You are able to do exceedingly and abundantly for those who believe   Lord, I believe that this struggle in in your plan for us and that great things will come out of it.  I thank you for the victory that lies ahead.  I praise you Lord, for your Glory and Honor!!!  In Jesus name, I pray, Amen...  Keep your head up and your eyes on him, my friends!!!!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

The Basics

Hello readers!  Since this is my first post, let me tell you a little bit about myself. I'm a fairly average woman that hails from the hills of West Virginia.  I've never lived anywhere else.  I haven't traveled much but do know from the little bit that I have traveled, that I am a lucky woman.  I live in a state that is very rural and everybody knows everybody.  I know most of my neighbors and have a beautiful view from my front porch. 

I'm married and have two children that live with me and two step-daughters that are grown.  I work full-time and have a strong work ethic.  I believe in giving 100% effort to my job and often get consumed by it.

I love the Lord and although I was very fortunate to have neighbors and friends that took me to church growing up, I strayed away as a teenager.  Thankfully, the Lord kept his hand on me and brought me back to his loving arms two years ago.  I attend Maranatha Fellowship Church in Ripley and love it!  We're not any special denomination but rather believe in a personal, up-close and intimate relationship with Jesus Christ.  Relationship - not religion!!!

(Above is me with my beautiful new nephew - I'll tell you more about him later)

Well, that is pretty much the basics.  I've been told to keep these things short but will be sharing more later.  Have a blessed night!